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Exporting to SQL

  1. Choose FileExport to File ...
  2. In the save panel that appears choose a file name (for example database.sql).
  3. Click Save

The file extension will normally be .sql

SQLEditor associates itself with the .sql file extension, so you may need to open the saved file from within your text editor.

If you open the file using Text Edit (or your favourite text editor) you can then see the contents should look something like this:

/* SQLEditor (Generic SQL)*/

'book_id' INTEGER,
'title' VARCHAR(255),
'author' VARCHAR(255),
PRIMARY KEY ('book_id')

CREATE TABLE 'borrower'
'borrower_id' INTEGER,
'surname' INTEGER,
'firstname' INTEGER,
PRIMARY KEY ('borrower_id')
'loan_id' INTEGER,
'book_id' INTEGER,
'borrower_id' INTEGER,
PRIMARY KEY ('loan_id')

ALTER TABLE 'loans' ADD FOREIGN KEY ('book_id')
REFERENCES 'books'('book_id');

ALTER TABLE 'loans' ADD FOREIGN KEY ('borrower_id')
REFERENCES 'borrower'('borrower_id');
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