The General preferences Tab displays preferences that don't fit one of the other categories.
Normally SQLEditor will create a new untitled document when it starts up. If you uncheck this option then this doesn't happen.
For example if you normally always start by importing a file or if you only working on existing documents then you may wish to change this option.
This option allows you to disable the warning that appears when SQLEditor thinks a database export operation may cause tables to be deleted
Disabling this warning means that SQLEditor will delete tables in your database without telling you first. Make sure you have backups.If enabled then SQLEditor will check at intervals to see if a newer version is available.
Allow the automatic updater to download pre-release beta versions as well as stable releases.
If you are running a beta version then you cannot uncheck the Check For beta versions option (because you are already on a beta version)
If enabled, SQLEditor will send a snapshot of your current Mac configuration for statistical purposes. This will not contain any identifiable information. The information will contain information such as the current Mac OS X version, the amount of memory you have and the current version of SQLEditor in use. We use this information to determine where to focus our development efforts
This option makes SQLEditor change the data type of a field with a foreign key relation so that it matches the type of the referenced field.
It is disabled by default
Normally SQLEditor will save the position of orthagonal connectors if they have been manually moved. If you would prefer that this didn't happen disable this option.
SQLEditor offers two types of foreign keys, either simple connections from one field to another or foreign key field objects which allow multiple fields to be linked together.
Enabling this option causes SQLEditor to generate the simple style references whenever possible, only using the foreign key object when specifically required.
This option only applies when SQLEditor creates a foreign key object, you can always create both types of foreign key by hand if you wish
Use this option to choose the visual appearance of the application. This setting is disabled on machines running 10.13 or earlier
There are currently three options