Known Issues (SQLEditor 1.x)

OBSOLETE This page refers to obsolete versions of SQLEditor and is retained for completeness only

This document applies to SQLEditor 1.6 and 1.7, see also known issues in SQLEditor 1.4

All Versions

Lion: Visual Artifacts when scrolling (with auto-hiding scrollbars)

If you have a multi-touch enabled trackpad or magic mouse and you’re running Lion then there may be visual artifacts visible when scrolling. (Most likely the zoom menu will be drawn across the canvas)

This can be worked around by changing the “Show Scroll Bars” preference in the “General” System preference panel to “Always”. Note that this will affect scrolling in all applications.

Alternatively clicking anywhere in the canvas will cause the window to redraw.

SQLEditor 1.7.11 and later fix this problem by moving the zoom popup into the main window toolbar.

Reordering fields and then exporting doesn’t affect database field order

If you have a table and reorder the fields in SQLEditor, this reordering will not be exported to the database.

This is due to be fixed in a future release for databases that support field ordering.

Oracle database connectivity doesn’t work when specifying a schema in lowercase

Use uppercase, Oracle JDBC drivers seem to expect schema names to be in uppercase

Postgresql (8.x) Import: Foreign keys are not imported

Please upgrade to the latest available JDBC driver, which should fix the problem.

JDBC Drivers are not automatically recognised

SQLEditor will only recognize drivers that are included on its internal list. If the driver isn’t on this list then it will not be recognized automatically and you will need to add it by hand.

See the SQLEditor database drivers page for details of supported drivers

If you install drivers while it is running it may not recognise them immediately. Try restarting SQLEditor to see if this makes any difference.

Drag using the drag handle on the left of the field. If no handle is visible try clicking on the field first

No files seem to be recognized when I try Import From File

Files without extension or with the extensions sql,text or txt can be imported

MySQL “type” vs “Engine”

MySQL versions 5.2 and later want to use keyword “ENGINE” instead of “TYPE” for specifying table engine types (INNODB, MyISAM, etc) Earlier versions of SQLEditor used “TYPE”, new releases now correctly use “ENGINE”

Postgres: ‘relation “Table2” already exists’ on export

If you do the following you may get an error:

  • Create tables in new document (without specifying a schema on the tables)
  • Export to Postgres database server
  • Make changes to tables in document
  • Export to database (again)

This may fail with an error “relation “Table2” already exists”.

This is because tables in SQLEditor don’t have a default schema assigned automatically. However when these tables are exported to Postgres, the database system automatically puts them in the ‘public’ schema.

SQLEditor doesn’t currently understand the ‘public’ schema and it assumes that the tables don’t exist (because they don’t have the names SQLEditor expects). So SQLEditor tries to create the tables again, but these tables already exist.

The attempt to create another copy of the existing tables causes Postgres to complain with the error message.

This is an bug that will be corrected in a future release of SQLEditor.


Make sure you assign a specific schema to each table. If you don’t have a schema use ‘public’ (without the quotes)

Version 1.7.3

Object layering - FS#870

A bug has been identified which can cause objects to be layered incorrectly in the canvas. In particular connectors can be drawn above table objects.

This appears to affect version 1.7.3

This should be fixed in the SQLEditor 1.7.4 release

Version 1.7

Simulate Export ignored (Oracle and Filemaker) - FS#843

A bug has been identified which can cause the simulate export setting to be ignored.

This means that the export will be performed against the real database.

A fix is being developed as a matter of urgency and will be available soon.

This affects Oracle and Filemaker dialects, but does not appear to affect other dialects The problem occured in dialect specific code that handles post-processing of SQL instructions.

This has been fixed in the SQLEditor 1.7.1 release

Version 1.6.9

Oracle object quoting

SQLEditor switched to quoting objects by default. This has since been identified as causing problems for Oracle users due to the way that objects with quoted names behave after creation. This problem will be fixed in the next point release

Version 1.6

Send Suggestion on 10.6 with Safari 5

If you use send suggestion from the help menu with Safari 5 installed then the email message created may appear with a black background. This was resolved in a Safari update.

SQL Parser

The SQL parser in SQLEditor 1.6 is entirely rewritten from 1.4 and so may behave differently. Please report any issues you find to

The field types list is incomplete

The SQLEditor types list gets update quite frequently, however SQLEditor does not currently replace your existing types list unless you ask it to.

To do this you should go to the Data Types tab of the Preferences window and click the “Reset All Dialects” button. This will replace the currently installed types list with the latest available version.

Version 1.6b16


The SQL parser in this release confuses table level COLLATE and CHARACTER SET settings.

The table level COLLATE setting will be used to set the object’s CHARACTER SET and the imported CHARACTER SET will be used in the COLLATE value.

You may want to reverse these after importing.

This will be fixed in 1.6b17