Month: August 2004

  • SQLEditor Cocoa B6 Due for release.

    SQLEditor Cocoa Beta 6 has been released. Beta 6 offers a number of significant enhancements and improvements, plus several bug fixes.

    • Fields can now be dragged from one table to another.
    • The list of data types can now be edited and changed
    • Improved preferences options
    • Better printing, including scaling, tiling and fit to page.
    • New buttons to add a sibling field to a table or delete the currently inspected one
    • C-shaped connectors are back. (This is where a connector loops back on itself if it would otherwise overlap either the source or destination field)
    • You can now change the colors of objects. This is a global setting at the moment. Individual color changing is coming soon
    • A few minor bug fixes
    • Slightly altered the appearance of the table object view
    • First version of online help. As yet incomplete.

    This new version expires on September 30th 2004.

    Why not download it now?


  • Very slight redesign of website

    Observant readers may notice a slight change to the website (if you came in from there). The fonts for the titles have been resized and the stupid red boxes have been removed. Hopefully it all looks more visually cohesive. Titles now reduce in size as they become less important for instance.

    I’m still intending to switch the whole lot to xml/xslt/php, but I’ve deferred deployment for a while until some other things are out of the way. The new version is up and running on the test server but I think it needs a bit more work before it can be released.

  • NSLog

    I just realised that NSLog allows parameters. I’d previously been using

    NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",randomVar]) ...

    But now I realise that the I don’t really need to do this. A simple call to NSLog will work as well.


    It still isn’t as easy as php or even java, but it’s shorter and tidier and so better.

  • Missing Email

    I just had the thought that there is email that I should have, but can’t find. Which is bad, given that I’ve been trying to archive all of my email. The key question obviously is where has it gone? And I suspect the answer may be that it is gone forever.

    This might be really bad, alternatively it might not. Who can tell?

    I think the best thing might be to convert my email to html at intervals, rather than leaving it in my email imap server. If it was carefully indexed and sorted it would probably be a better way to to do things.

  • SQLEditor Cocoa B5 Released

    Good news everyone!

    SQLEditor Cocoa version is finally available for download.

    SQLEditor Cocoa offers a Mac OS X native cocoa interface, an improved SQL parser, better performance and some bug fixes.

    Download (325k)

  • Shareware and Serial Numbers

    Not much posting recently. But I’ve been working getting SQLEditor ready for release. The big things recently have been bug fixes and developing a serial number system.

    It’s extremely annoying to have to spend any time at all working on the serial number system, because really the time would be better spent actually improving the software. But given that I actually want people to buy copies of the thing it is sadly necessary.

    I have a simple test program working already and as soon as I develop some kind of key generator system I’ll be able to add it (probably to beta 6).

    Beta 5 is complete, so it should be released tomorrow.