SQLEditor Cocoa B6 Due for release.

SQLEditor Cocoa Beta 6 has been released. Beta 6 offers a number of significant enhancements and improvements, plus several bug fixes.

  • Fields can now be dragged from one table to another.
  • The list of data types can now be edited and changed
  • Improved preferences options
  • Better printing, including scaling, tiling and fit to page.
  • New buttons to add a sibling field to a table or delete the currently inspected one
  • C-shaped connectors are back. (This is where a connector loops back on itself if it would otherwise overlap either the source or destination field)
  • You can now change the colors of objects. This is a global setting at the moment. Individual color changing is coming soon
  • A few minor bug fixes
  • Slightly altered the appearance of the table object view
  • First version of online help. As yet incomplete.

This new version expires on September 30th 2004.

Why not download it now?
