Online Store

I’ve been working recently on integrating a registration system into SQLEditor (sorry).

Unfortunately I kind of need to make some money out of my software and so people have to pay for it. I really wish this wasn’t the case but sadly it is.

So I now have an online store powered by swreg. If you visit the SQLEditor page you will now see a couple of purchasing options in the right column and further options are an a subsequent screen. It looks fairly close to the rest of the site and swreg offers better fraud prevention than paypal, particularly for credit cards.

The complexities of integrating everything together are quite great, which suprised me a bit. I was hoping for something easy, but it required a lot of steps to get everything pretty much working.

  • Sign up to online store
  • Add products
  • Create templates for shopping basket
  • Create serial number system
  • integrate serial number system into application and online store

Although I won’t need to do this for any future software that I develop. Most of it was a one-off cost.

One oddity is that the serial number code is written in ANSI C. This is a bit odd, because most of the code that I have been writing recently has been either Objective C, Java or PHP. But ANSI C proved to be the best way of using the same codebase for both the server and client side components.

Hopefully lots of people will love and therefore buy the licenses.