Month: January 2005

  • Single Sign on?

    I’ve been wondering whether it makes sense to try to implement a single sign on system.

    I now have 2 bug tracking systems, a wiki, a webmail system and this web log. All of these have different authentication systems.

    Maybe we need a common standard in web applications like RSS but for authentication?

  • iMac Mini Disassembly probably ok?

    Daring Fireball has a comment from someone who saw a Mac Mini being disassembled and it sounds ok.

    A standard issue putty knife and some assistance from a jack knife were all that was needed to crack the case.

  • New iMac Mini!

    Apple just anounced the Mac mini. A small, little mac that starts at £339 or $499.

    At last the cheap mac that everyone has been waiting for. It doesn’t include a screen but it has an optical drive and a processor, USB and firewire.

    It’s pretty much the equivalent of the current iBooks without screen or keyboard. And curiously similar to the mock up that somebody posted details of a few days back. Perhaps they had seen the unit but couldn’t actually photo it then?

    Really great news. I hope it sells as well as I think it will.

  • Phantom Game System

    Amazingly enough, despite appearing on Wired’s vapourware list, the Phantom game system actually appeared at CES. (Or at least a box appeared at CES)

    The Phantom offers a sort of video game on demand system, which I’m not totally convinced about, but the box looks nice and it seems to offer an interesting collection of features. I think given the choice the XBox2 would be a better bet, or the PS3.

    TheTechLounge has the pictures (about half way down).

  • Smoothies

    New smoothie recipe that I tried:

    2 bananas
    250ml Orange juice.

    Put bananas in blender. Add orange juice to blender.

    Blend until smooth.

    Not exactly impressively innovative, but it tastes quite good.

  • Amazon ads

    I was just doing a quick search for Lemony Snicket books (of which there are apparently now 11) on

    Oddly enough when I did the search I got the following within the search results:

    Picture showing links found on to whsmith (uk bookseller) and

    It appears that they are using google ad words, and one of the advertisments offered was for a competitor.

    It does seem a bit odd to say the least, to be advertising a different online store …