Month: February 2005

  • Lumberjack Jargon

    If you need a ready reference for Lumberjack Jargon there is a page at wikipedia that offers such useful, everyday phrases as:

    a horse
    a long-time employee of a company
    a small device used to hold a crosscut saw while sawing a log from the bottom up

    Why not use one or more of these phrases in conversation!

  • Really Great recipe for shepherds’s pie

    I went out this evening to a pub (McEwans brewhouse) and had a really great vegetarian shepherd’s pie. It had a 5 bean chilli base, topped with mash and covered in cheese. I really want to try it at home, since I’m getting bored of some the recipes I’m currently using.

    It was served with a side of garlic bread. I definitely would have it again, because it was really good.

    My current thoughts on this are:

    Bean and Chilli mix
    Fry onions and add tomato paste. Add drained beans and chilli. Simmer

    Potato Mash
    Cheddar cheese topping.

    Completing the dish
    Put the bean mixture into a small oven proof dish. Add the potato on top, then cover in cheese.

    Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes or so.

    I’m going to give it a go later this week.

  • The Girl in the Cafe

    “If anyone can make a romantic comedy about the G8 conference that engages a mainstream audience, Richard Curtis can.”

    Read the BBC Press release for more information.

  • chocolatereview

    Reviews of chocolate bars, with ratings and reviews !!

  • flyspray subversion integration

    Somebody asked me to post a link to the script that integrates flyspray and subversion:

    Script is Attached to Bug 301

  • Inquirer, HP and Carly Fiorina

    The Inquirer has made a truly mischievous offer to Carly Fiorina, former CEO of HP. The company, resulting from the merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq, is in considerable difficulties, as the inquirer has merrily written about in articles like The three ways HP has screwed up and How HP totally lost the support plot.

    But now in a remarkable offer they have asked Ms Fiorina to write a column. It seems unlikely that Ms Fiorina will take up the offer given the consistent history of criticism that she has faced from The Inquirer but perhaps she will? Who knows? What if she does say yes? Will the inquirer find itself publishing a series of articles criticial of itself? A revenge on months of sniping?

    It seems unlikely. But stranger things have happened.

  • Windows XP advantages?

    … with Windows XP I don’t gotta worry about emailing viruses to my friends and family at all. The built-in email client Outlook Express does it automatically, in the background.

    From via Macslash.

    Disclaimer: I use Windows XP sometimes but not outlook express

  • iBook restore DVD

    I was recently trying to install a particular package from the basic Mac OS X installation (Address which for some reason had been deleted. Probably in a desperate attempt to free up some disk space.

    It took me some searching before I realized that the packages are located in /System/Installation/ on the iBook’s restore dvd.

    It isn’t the most obvious location by any means.

  • Trackback spam

    Unfortunately I’ve had to disable trackbacks for the time being due to excessive spam.

    I’m not entirely sure if it is possible to do a test to see if trackbacks are from real people or not.

    If I can come up with a better idea I’ll start using it.

    Not that anyone really found the stuff on this weblog worth trackbacking anyway, so little is lost 🙂