Strange email about spam?

Today, one of the email accounts at received a very strange email

just a line to let you know I have passed on you details to paypal and the police regards your scam emails trying to access my paypal account with bogus emails.

This was sent from what appears to be an AOL account. I won’t detail the sender for obvious reasons, but I was rather puzzled by it.

As I see it there are several possibilities for this:

1) Somebody has received spam email that appears to be from and is thus trying (unsuccessfully) to report the culprit (which incorrectly appears to be someone at

2) A machine that is permitted to send email via has been compromised and is sending out such mail. (unlikely, but possible)

3) The sender is actually some kind of spam harvester that is hoping legitmate recipients will send back letters complaining or, possibly, explaining the situation.

At the moment I’m tending towards option 1, since it seems most likely.

However I remain mystified by the whole thing.