An odd thing occurred today, I was trying to do trim($string) on a string in php, but I kept getting strings back that appeared to have a space at the beginning, the exact thing that trim is supposed to remove. I carefully checked and the space was definitely found when I copied the result out to TextWrangler. Finally I tried substr($string,1) and then I got the answer, the new string started nbsp; the string I was trimming had , a non-breaking space at the beginning, which trim doesn’t remove. A quick switch to str_replace and now my string doesn’t have a space at the beginning. 🙂
Month: August 2005
Natwest Business Breakfast
It’s taken me a while to write about it, but last week, Natwest in Edinburgh held a really great session for business banking customers. A breakfast and two seminars. Starting at 8am they gave an excellent breakfast and then went on to give two really interesting talks for people starting or running businesses.
It made me feel really positive and gave me an opportunity to hand out my new business cards, as well as meet people in a similar situation to myself.
SQLEditor 1.1b3 & softpedia
Today I released SQLEditor 1.1b3. I think this could very well be the last beta version before 1.1 final release.
My first minor point release application!! (x.1)Originally I hadn’t intended to update all of the websites today, but they discovered it automatically so I uploaded the details onto the others so that everything was consistent.
However one thing really stood out today: Softpedia. The people at Softpedia not only grabbed all of the details, they also created some screen shots and gave me a nice “No Spyware, adware or viruses certified” logo. And it wasn’t just a quick screen shot either, they must have spent some time using the application as can be seen on the screenshot page.
I was amazed 🙂
Obviously I should have some screenshots of my own to distribute and they should arrive with the new manual, but still, I was really suprised by this.
And very grateful.