Month: January 2007

  • SQLEditor 1.3.4 and 1.3.5: bugs

    SQLEditor 1.3.4 got released on Tuesday, but unfortunately there is a bug in this version. 🙁

    The problem is that in 1.3.4 the connection presets system in the database connection panel was modified. There were a couple of fixes made, but one of them releated to selecting presets when the window opened. Unfortunately that change caused users who hadn’t made any presets to experience an error. The problem was that the new code didn’t correctly account for the possibility that there might not be any presets, it was trying to access an array of presets that was empty, which is obviously an error.
    This has now been fixed and corrected in 1.3.5. Which should work correctly with or without presets.

  • SQLEditor 1.3.2

    SQLEditor 1.3.2 received a very limited release to a few selected testers at the end of 2006. However there were some additional issues that needed a bit more work, so the current plan is for a 1.3.3 release before the end of January.

  • MacFuse released – userspace Mac OS X file systems

    I just noticed this announcement on the google mac blog.

    Amit Singh has released a mac version of Fuse, which is way for people to write interesting extensions to the file system without writing kernel code. The way it works (as I understand it) is that the Fuse system runs one kernel module which communicates with the actual file system code in userspace.

    It looks really clever and there are already a number of useful file systems available for fuse (including ssh as a filesystem and a ntfs driver).