Month: April 2007

  • building antlr 2.7.7 on Mac OS X

    It appears that antlr on Mac os x doesn’t like the jikes compiler, at least when I tried building antlr it gave lots of weird compile errors like this:
    Found 2 semantic errors compiling "":

    While it would be a good thing to try to fix the actual code, it’s easier to see if the solution is already available.

    The answer came in this posting which suggests renaming jikes before building. Which works, but there is an easier way. Just declare an environment variable before starting the build.

    export JAVAC=javac

    Changing the java compiler that gets used is documented in the configure script.

  • Is it plagiarism if you’ve paid someone else to write the paper for you?

    I happened to browsing a popular site that allows people to post tasks that others can bid on. The focus tends to be on small to medium sized technical tasks like web page design and small applications.
    But there are other categories too. One of which is for technical writing. Ah! I thought, perhaps people offering to write documentation for pay. Well, no, it wasn’t exactly that. What I found was mainly people wanting essays written. One in particular I found very funny. It was looking for someone to write an essay about a networking topic and the requester had simply pasted in the entire task description, including the instructions from the lecturer. It even included the plagiarism statement:

    Academic integrity requirements. Please remember to use quotation marks when you use the exact words from your references. Also you need to use enough citations inside your final paper. The citations should be clear enough for a reader to separate your work from other people’s work. Failure to follow these instructions may lead the paper to be considered as plagiarism.

  • Java class file version numbering

    This page has a list which shows how java class version numbers relate to java platform version numbering. It’s useful if you get one of those UnsupportedClassVersionError errors.

    This relates to the Java ClassFile structure which defines how classes are represented.