Month: October 2007

  • Concept car with robot on dashboard!

    This looks really cool: IT World: Nissan adds a robot helper to its concept car

    It’s a concept electric car which has a small robot on the dashboard that offers directions and tries to keep the driver cheerful.

  • 10.5 support

    At the moment I believe that both SQLEditor and HTMLValidator are compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 and should work without functional difficulty.

    A minor issue that I found is that the toolbar icons don’t look very good against the 10.5 window style. These have already been redrawn and the new icons will appear in the 1.4 release.

    This assumes that there weren’t any major changes between the version that I used to test and the release version of 10.5 which will be released on October 26th.

    Overall it looks good though.

  • OneMonthApp and SQLEditor

    OneMonthApp is using SQLEditor!

    OneMonthApp is a project where they are building a complete web application in a month. It’s going to be a simple and easy to use cash flow application, apparently. And they’re going to make it free, which is great too.
    I’ve signed up to be notified when it’s done, which the counter is promising for sometime in the next couple of days. (They started in September, so less than a month)
    Stephen over at OneMonthApp very kindly included SQLEditor in a list of 20 tools for web application development that they’re using for the project.
    Maybe I need an “I use SQLEditor” badge icon or something?

  • DHL

    Got a package this morning delivered by DHL and an interesting thing happened.

    I recognised the delivery person and the delivery person recognised me. Which was nice. 🙂

    I think they must work a particular route, because the same woman tends to deliver most of my (DHL) packages.