Month: June 2008

  • Virtualized Mac OS X servers

    Media Temple are running a beta programme for virtualized Mac OS X server hosting (Using Parallels Server)

    This sounds really interesting, it would be nice to be able to rent a Mac OS X box and run services on it.

    It might even be useful for things like running a build system or even as a testing server.

    The question is how much will it cost. That isn’t entirely clear yet, apparently because they’re not entirely sure how much each instance will need in the way of resources.

    How it compares to SliceHost and Bytemark will remain to be seen.

    (It must surely be more expensive, but how much more?)

  • SQLEditor 1.4b26

    SQLEditor 1.4b26 is now available for download.

    It fixes only one problem which is related to auto increment and SQLite.

    This should hopefully be the final beta version for 1.4


    The next version should be the 1.4 final release which will probably happen later this week or early next week (assuming no more problems are reported)

    SQLEditor 1.4b26 Download [3.6MB DMG]

  • SQLEditor 1.5

    SQLEditor 1.5 is making good progress. The latest thing that I’m currently working on is to extract SQL Views from a database. In theory this should be just like extracting tables, but it’s looking much harder to work out than I ever expected.

    The new SQL parser is mostly finished. It’s been completely rewritten using ANTLR3. This offers a number of really good improvements, the most important one being that it’s not running in Java anymore. The parser is now completely native code.

    Also pretty much finished is the new document model code, the new document export code and the new JDBC handling code. I’m hopeful that it will now be possible to run JDBC drivers that use AWT (which I’m informed the IBM DB2 driver may do).

    SQLEditor 1.4 is just about finished too. There is one change that needs to get beta tested and then the 1.4 final release should be available.

    Watch out for a new 1.5 download soon and of course the final candidate for 1.4

  • Water found on Mars

    They spotted water on Mars!

    Colonising now seems a step closer …

    MarsPhoenix Twitter

    (via Boing Boing)

  • Reggy for regular expression testing

    Handy new tool I came across today which allows you to test regular expressions and see what they select.


  • 280 Slides

    A cool new online presentation tool:

    The slide show application is really nice in that it feels very much like a desktop application when in use, even down the way buttons and key presses behave. The object rotation is particularly clever.

    Another thing that makes this one clever though is the underlying framework, which is said to compile cocoa like code into dynamic web pages. It will apparently even be opensourced at some stage!