Month: February 2009

  • Everything on YouTube unavailable

    I ran into a problem in the last few days with YouTube. I would visit the site, but every video I tried to watch displayed the message “we’re sorry the video is no longer available”.

    Other people seem to have noticed something like this too.

    The answer, as found in the last message in the thread, is to update to the newest version of Flash player, which appears to fix the problem.

    However it makes me ponder something: what changed in the latest version of Flash and why does YouTube not recommend this upgrade to users? (Ideally with a large and obvious message)

  • No freshly squeezed orange juice?

    I was in the supermarket the other day looking for juice, only to find that the regular own brand wasn’t available! A disaster that was only averted when I realized that they were carrying a new branded juice instead. But why?

    I had no idea until I came across this article which describes the financial difficulties of SunJuice, which unfortunately now seems to be in Administration.

    SunJuice apparently provided 50% of all uk own-label juice.

    I guess the costs were rising, prices weren’t and they got pushed a bit too hard by the buyers.


  • 3g mobile internet limitations

    SamKnows has an article on some limitations that exist for 3g mobile internet access. (using usb dongles).

    The killer is the limit for total bandwidth, as low as sharing 6.75 Mbits/s between everyone connecting to a single base station.

    I knew the situation couldn’t be the same as land line, but this is much less than I expected.