Month: April 2010

  • Warburtons Ad

    Warburtons Bread Advert

    It made me laugh, anyway.

    (On their own site too)

  • safari supports pdf in img tag

    I didn’t know this before but it definitely seems to work.

    SVG is more compatible for web pages, though this could be useful for embedded webkit apps.

    From High DPI Websites

  • Idea: EU prize for learning all of the European languages

    In the nature of the European cooperation, I propose that the European Union should give out prizes to people who can speak significant numbers of european languages.
    Perhaps 1 million euros for a person speaking all of the EU significant languages.

    Then smaller prizes for people who speak some fraction (5 or 10 different languages perhaps)
    I don’t know how many people could manage the million euro level (perhaps only a few hundred people, maybe even none?) but it would be a good thing to encourage us all to speak each other’s languages.

    It would also offer a clear and obvious reward to study languages. (Like winning the lottery, just more predictably achievable)


  • iPhone multi-tasking

    A thought occurs to me (although I don’t do iPhone development).

    One possible approach to multi-tasking on the iphone might be to allow a background thread that complied with some sandbox requirements to execute with access to certain apis only. (Sound output being an obvious one, internet access being another, possibly hardware interaction) You wouldn’t be able to do user interface tasks (except some kind of notification system) and definitely no way to switch apps without user intervention.

    Apple probably has something totally different on the way which is much cooler but this is my best idea so far

  • Wanted: Cookie categories in web browsers

    Given that I delete my browser cookies fairly regularly, it would be useful to be able to divide them into categories.Then I could delete marketing and tracking cookies without affecting more important login cookies.

    Some categories I would like:

    1) Always delete at end of session (for security critical things)

    2) Use standard rules

    3) Delete at interval

    4) Don’t delete unless I tell you

    This is sort of confusing the idea of being able to delete cookies by category with overriding the default rules on expiry, but it mostly gives the idea.

    I think what I really want is a function called Delete unwanted cookies which would magically determine which cookies I want to retain and which I want to delete.