Month: July 2010

  • Helpful forums?

    Spotted recently in a technical forum (which shall remain nameless):

    Your answers are useless. Thank you anyway. I found answers on my questions from another source.

    Although I still don’t know what the final answer was, alas…

  • Real buyers getting tired of speculators

    Real cocoa buyers, who are probably chocolate manufacturers, are getting tired of excessive speculation in the cocoa market; they’ve threatened to move from London to unspecified US cocoa futures exchanges if something isn’t done to improve things:

    Telegraph Article
    (Third section, after Gold movements and Shipping rates)

    I suppose speculation is good if it balances demand and evens out prices, but bad if the end customers feel that they are being cheated.


    Another article: Mystery trader buys all Europe’s cocoa.

    No wonder people are annoyed.