Category: Company News

  • Web Development Toolkit

    HTMLValidator is one of the apps in the new Web Development Toolkit bundle, which is available now.

    The bundle contains 10 apps for a single low price of just $39.99
    If you’re doing web design, there’s probably something here for you
    (unless you already own all the apps, in which case, it also makes a great gift)

    The bundle includes:

    The offer is running until December 28th, so you will have to be quick, or you might miss out!

  • SQLEditor upgrades

    One of the big questions I’ve been thinking about recently is how to price upgrades for SQLEditor. So far upgrades have all been free as 1.0 became 1.1 and eventually 1.7. But with the new 2.0 release appearing soon, the question is what should be charged.

    Personally I’ve been annoyed with products where I paid money and a new release appears two weeks later which requires a paid upgrade. On the other hand, SQLEditor 2.0 will be a considerable upgrade from SQLEditor 1.0 (the first paid version), so I do think some additional fee is justified to fund development efforts.

    But obviously I don’t want people who haven’t bought yet to have doubts as to whether they will be required to pay for the upgrade.

    The stated policy is that anyone who bought SQLEditor within 12 months of a paid upgrade being released gets a free upgrade.

    However given that the release date for the new version hasn’t been decided yet, I’ve decided to improve the arrangements for version 2.0:

    Customers who bought SQLEditor 1.x after August 1st 2010 will get a free upgrade to SQLEditor 2.0.

    This means that if you buy SQLEditor today you get 1.7.8 and when 2.0 is released you would get an upgrade to it free of charge.


  • SQLEditor and OS X 10.7/Lion

    The release of OS X 10.7 Lion is approaching very fast and the question must be: is SQLEditor compatible?

    The answer is that I expect that SQLEditor will be compatible with OS X 10.7 when it is released in July.

    There is a new page up on the support site about this,

  • SQLEditor 1.6

    The SQLEditor 1.6 public beta has been available now for about 3 weeks and I’m getting more hopeful about a final candidate release.

    SQLEditor 1.6 is required for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard support, but because major sections needed rewriting to get this compatibility, there are also improvements to the core of the application.

    There is a brand new SQL parser which is based on ANTLR and a new, more extendible, export system. Plus there are lots of other improvements in both user interface and functionality.

    Best of all, it’s going to be a free upgrade for existing SQLEditor customers.

    The beta is currently at version 1.6b7 but 1.6b8 will probably be out very soon.

    I hope that you like it.


    SQLEditor 1.6b7
    (DMG file | 4.2MB)

  • SQLEditor 1.4.4 Released

    SQLEditor 1.4.4 was just released on Tuesday, the main feature improvement is the support for compound foreign keys. I posted a bit about this before and the final version is pretty much the same as I described.

    Unfortunately there were a couple of bugs that slipped through relating to clicking objects. 🙁

    These are going to be fixed in a point release that should appear soon.

    The new version is available from the automatic update system or download here:

    3.9MB dmg File
    Change Log
    Product Notes
    21st January 2009
  • SQLEditor 1.4.3b3

    So, it’s coming up to the holidays, but there is time for another SQLEditor release.

    1.4.3b3 (snappy numbering, yes?) is pretty much a bug fix release. I think that the index creation problems that were happening have now been fixed, plus better handling of when to create indexes. It should now correctly figure out if fields are indexed and shouldn’t now add duplicates (or worse attempt to add duplicates)

    There is also the addition of the simulate mode for database export. This isn’t exactly new, because it’s been available in some development builds, but it has now appeared in a release version. Simulate mode runs the entire export as normal, except that instructions that alter the database aren’t actually sent to the database to be executed. The instructions are recorded though, so you can see what would have happened in the status window log view.

    There is also a new feature which prevents fields and indexes being dropped (although it doesn’t prevent modification, use simulate if that’s what you want)

    SQLEditor also now adds a line in the status window when an export fails complete with the instructions that were actually executed and the error that occurred. This information was always in the log, but it should be easier to see how SQLEditor has gone wrong (in the event that it does of course)

    Finally some fixes for a few (hopefully unlikely) crashing bugs.

    3.6MB dmg File

    Change Log
    Product Notes
    21st January 2009

  • Django Support

    Several people have now asked for this, so it’s being really seriously looked at.

    Plus I’m hopeful that it will be able to support the somewhat different but quite similar Google app engine model class format too

    Having been working on this for the last few days, I can say that the Django plugin is moving towards a working state, the development version is now somewhat able to create and export a suitable python file.

    Although this mustn’t be taken to mean that it’s near to release, because there are still several major things that are needed before it will be complete.

    I think there will probably be two releases, the first will be export only, then a later release will add the import features.

    And it should be a free upgrade for SQLEditor 🙂

  • SQLEditor 1.4 Final Released

    In case you missed it version 1.4 of SQLEditor was released back on July 8th.

    If you’re using 1.3.9 you might like to consider upgrading.

    The 1.3.9 upgrade system will be set soon to recommend this upgrade
    (though 1.3.9 doesn’t use sparkle, so it can’t actually do the upgrade for you)

    SQLEditor 1.4
    (3.6 MB DMG File)

    Lots of great new features and various bug fixes and improvements to the existing ones.

  • OneMonthApp and SQLEditor

    OneMonthApp is using SQLEditor!

    OneMonthApp is a project where they are building a complete web application in a month. It’s going to be a simple and easy to use cash flow application, apparently. And they’re going to make it free, which is great too.
    I’ve signed up to be notified when it’s done, which the counter is promising for sometime in the next couple of days. (They started in September, so less than a month)
    Stephen over at OneMonthApp very kindly included SQLEditor in a list of 20 tools for web application development that they’re using for the project.
    Maybe I need an “I use SQLEditor” badge icon or something?

  • SQLEditor 1.4b2

    Another day, another beta. (Kind of)

    SQLEditor 1.4b2 is now available, which is pretty much bug fixing against 1.4b1.

    There were several issues with 1.4b1 including an annoying bug that would sometimes delete foreign key connectors when you deleted an unrelated table.

    There are some fixes for other bugs which turned up and some improvements to undo/redo, to make it more stable when you undo or redo lots of things, one after the other.

    I’ve also moved SQLEditor to Sparkle. Sparkle replaces an update system that I wrote myself and it should offer better update support as well as a nice html based ‘what’s changed’ window.

    SQLEditor also now tells people that it is a beta and exactly when it will expire. It probably should always have done this, but it does it now, which is probably good.

    There are also some minor fixes to the live source view, so that it changes with the document sql dialect and appears correctly when reopening existing documents.

    [Download] (3.4MB DMG File, changelog)