Category: General

  • Exercise from playing computer games

    The DDR Workout – It’s Official from Slashdot

    Maybe people will get told to go home and start playing dance games by their doctors, instead of swimming or running?
    Could future computer games be sold on the basis of the amount of exercise that players might achieve?

    Keep your body in shape by playing Dance 2007!


  • Binding Books

    This page: Binding Books talks about book binding at home. I’ve often wanted to be able to bind books so I’m thinking of trying the ideas.

    This page offers an interesting solution using a glue gun

  • Bartering Services

    Slashdot | Best Results From Bartering Computer Services?

    After reading this article I was wondering what people would be interested in bartering for SQLEditor? Does it make sense as a business concept?

    Would the value I might get compensate me for the monetry value lost?

    And of course the bank won’t accept barter 🙁

    (Although what if there was a bank that could?)

  • Putty for PocketPC

    I’m really pleased to see this: Putty for Pocket PC. Putty is a program that I use a lot on windows. I’ve been looking around for something to do ssh on pocket pc and now I’ll have it, as soon as the pocket pc 2002 version arrives (promised for June).

  • Introduction

    I promised myself I wasn’t going to write aboout blogging. But I suppose the first post can be an exception.

    In this blog I’m going to talk about various things, where my software is going and what I’m doing.

    I’m currently using Word Press for the blog software. I’ll have to see how this works out.