• Is “Maximising Shareholder value” required – no it’s not


    The idea only dates from about 1976, it doesn’t seem to be in any law and it probably doesn’t lead to the best outcomes anyway.

  • Multi-touch – finger tips wearing out?

    I seem to be using more multi-touch stuff, but I do have this irrational fear that my finger tips will slowly start to wear away from constantly dragging them over metal or glass surfaces …


  • Russian Documentary about Bread Day

    Years ago I saw a documentary about Russians living in the country side where the local people had to push, by hand, a railway wagon filled with bread.

    I could never find any trace of it later, but today I did:

    Chlebnyy den (Bread Day) 1998
    Directed by Sergei Dvortsevoy

    The Harvard Film Archive showed it a while ago

  • More modifier keys

    I was working on the new labels panel in SQLEditor when I realised that I’d run out of modifier keys for clicking shortcuts. Tables already use several of the standard keys for selection control, leaving pretty much only option/alt remaining, and I’d already used it for something else. 🙁

    Apple: please provide more modifier keys on the keyboard for even more complicated shortcuts!


    (Or more rationally, I’ll probably change it around and the commands will end up in a popup menu or something, which is actually better for discoverability anyway)


  • Cancom Edinburgh Apple shop seems to be closed

    Cancom seems to have closed their Edinburgh shop after being bought out by Trams.

    Sorry about staff 🙁

  • Digital Camera Teardown

    Here is a video showing a breakdown of a lumix digital camera. (mikeselectricstuff/YouTube)

    The amazing thing is how small the mechanical parts are, and how many there are in there. This camera probably costs no more than £200, yet there are minuscule parts and an amazing level of tiny details, all of which has to work reliably, without any maintenance, for a possible lifespan of several years.

    The details of the lens assembly are particularly clever with multiple layers and motors which move the different parts. The coils which are printed onto the circuit board and form part of the movement mechanism is clever feature.

    I’m amazed 🙂


  • Kodak bankrupt?

    Kodak, perhaps the photography company, appears to have filed for bankruptcy.

    It seems to be something of a representative for the state of the non-digital photography market, which looks pretty much dead except for a few limited areas.

    In recent years they seem to have sold off much of the research and development and focused on the hyper-competitive desktop inkjet printer market instead.
    (Although the reasons for this decision still remain a mystery to me)

    I remember having a kodak camera with kodak film, that got photos printed on kodak photo paper, but I guess people a bit younger than me might never have even seen a roll of film, nor for that matter a kodak camera.

    It’s sad to see this happen to such an iconic company and I hope that things don’t turn out badly for the employees.


  • The Web Development Kit Bundle

    Just hours remain to buy the The Web Development Kit Bundle.

    It’s got a useful mix of tools for Mac web development and its an excellent bargain even if you’re only looking for one or two items in the bundle. HTMLValidator is our contribution to the bundle which costs just 39.99


  • Web Development Toolkit

    HTMLValidator is one of the apps in the new Web Development Toolkit bundle, which is available now.

    The bundle contains 10 apps for a single low price of just $39.99
    If you’re doing web design, there’s probably something here for you
    (unless you already own all the apps, in which case, it also makes a great gift)

    The bundle includes:

    The offer is running until December 28th, so you will have to be quick, or you might miss out!

  • Versions, validateMenuItem: and NSMenuItem

    If you find when developing in 10.7 that you get a versions menu with a NSMenuItem as one of the items, it might be worth checking to see whether you’re correctly using validateMenuItem:

    This problem may happen if you return YES from validateMenuItem in a NSDocument subclass for menu items that you don’t actually control. (If you just return YES as a default for example)

    If instead you return

    [super validateMenuItem:item]

    You should get the correct “Revert to Last Saved Version” menu item

    I ran into this when I was doing testing on 10.7 and although documentation clearly states that you must call the super method in validateMenuItem: , it wasn’t immediately obvious to me what was causing the problem.

    Hope this helps if you have the same problem.

    Edit: This may have been fixed in OS X