SQLEditor: Network Installation (1.x)

Obsolete: These instructions are for SQLEditor 1.x, see current SQLEditor network registration information

SQLEditor should work in a network environment. It does require access to ~/Library/Application Support and the ability to set user preferences.


On OS X 10.7 and later, SQLEditor registrations are stored per-user unless you manually create a shared preference file storing them machine-wide.

On 10.6 and earlier, SQLEditor will set preferences for all users on a machine, however Apple prevents this on 10.7 without admin privileges and we didn’t think it was correct to add security critical code that runs with elevated privileges just to set the registration details.

Creating a registration file

SQLEditor uses the file com.malcolmhardie.sqleditor.cococa.plist to store preferences including registration details. There are three keys that are used for registration

  • mode - this should be value REGISTERED
  • Username - the username as specified when you bought SQLEditor
  • SerialCode - the serial as sent to you.

If you register a copy of SQLEditor and open thecom.malcolmhardie.sqleditor.cococa.plist file in your own user ~/Library/Preferences directory, you should see all three keys.

To register SQLEditor for multiple accounts

The aim here is to create a copy of the SQLEditor preferences file containing only the key value pairs for registration and then save this new file in the system wide Library directory

  1. Create a plist file at Library/Preferences/com.malcolmhardie.sqleditor.cococa.plist (The preferences directory of the Library directory at the root of your hard disk).

  2. For each key (mode, Username, SerialCode) copy the key and value into the new plist file.

    It should look something like this. Replacing these example values with your own.

Machine Wide Preferences file

It is not recommended to copy any other keys, but this can be done if required.

Managed Preferences

The above instructions should also work for managed preferences, however we don’t have knowledge of anyone actually doing this in a deployed environment. If you implement this, we’d be interested to hear of your experiences. Feel free to send us an email at support@malcolmhardie.com